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Are you familiar with the saying, "Flying under the radar?" Military pilots coined the phrase to describe how they evaded being detected by enemy radar. The technique is to fly so close to the ground that their adversary's radar waves pass over their aircraft.
Whether you're a habitual speeder or a law-abiding citizen who wants to avoid getting caught in a local revenue-enhancing speed trap, the following could help you figuratively fly under police radar. Even if you're a responsible driver, avoiding tickets makes good financial sense. Fines for tickets are skyrocketing. Like many states under financial duress, California raised its traffic ticket fines in January 6: A speeding ticket for 1-15 mph over the limit now costs a minimum of $214!
Radar and Laser Basics
Police radar and laser speed-tracking units work on similar principles explained in this story. An officer "fires" a burst of radio waves or light waves toward your vehicle. Your vehicle reflects those waves back to the radar or laser "gun." A computer in the gun measures the time and/or frequency of the reflected signal to calculate your speed.
Decrease Your Reflective Image
Radar and laser speed traps are often set up to track vehicle that are less than 1000 feet from an officer. To reduce your chances of being "shot," you can reduce the radar profile of the vehicle you drive.
First, size matters. A truck or SUV is a bigger target than a tiny sports car. A shiny vertical chrome grill on a semi truck can reflect a radar beam back to an officer from as far away as a mile. Extra chrome trim on the front of your vehicle will likewise make it an easier target to hit with a laser. Know this when you're tempted to speed.
Second, color matters to laser guns. Laser units work by sending out pulses of UV light, so a darker vehicle color will reflect less light back to the laser gun than a bright color. As you'd expect, white vehicles make great laser targets. Vehicle color doesn't impact radar units.
Additionally, if you can legally drive without a front license plate, do so. That flat, reflective surface is the perfect electromagnetic wave reflector.
For those states that require front plates, some companies produce license plate covers that claim to reduce the readability of license plates. The legality of these devices varies widely, and in some locations such as Washington, D.C., can invite the user to a $300 fine. According to "Radar Roy," a retired police officer and current subject-matter expert in speeding countermeasures, many plate covers are worthless. Ditto for license plate sprays. Don't waste your money.
However, in an interview with AOL Autos (and on his website,, Radar Roy explained that there is something else you can do to decrease your vehicle's laser reflectivity. "We've tested a wax-like coating called Veil Stealth Coating. Brushed on to headlight lenses and shiny surfaces at the front of a vehicle, independent tests show that it cuts the distance of laser tracking by 50- to 73-percent."
Future Advances
The technology war between cops and speeders shows no signs of letting up. According to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, new materials used for photovoltaic cells could also have applications for both radar and laser absorption.
RPI researchers have engineered carbon nanotube arrays to produce super dark absorbers that effectively absorb and trap electromagnetic radiation, including police radar and laser frequencies. The clusters of nanotubes are created using a chemical vapor deposition process and with some clever manufacturing, the end product is a wave-sucking film. In theory, the film could be applied to the front surfaces of vehicles, reducing its reflectivity.
The Best Defense
Independent tests inform ticket avoiders that using the above stealth tips in concert with a modern GPS-enabled radar detector give you the best chance to avoid making a forced contribution to a municipality's cash coffer. While it takes some effort, the results could pay for themselves if they enable you to avoid even one citation.
It's a familiar scenario. You're on your way to work, maybe running 10 minutes late, and you're trying to make up for lost time. So you put your foot into it a little bit more and also decide to multi-task, perhaps get a head start on email on your BlackBerry. Before you know it, you've got one hand frantically tapping away on the small keypad, the other on the wheel, and your eyes are working overtime to keep track of it all. Your foot, however, is doing just fine laying heavily on the accelerator. Doesn't sound too safe, does it?
Almost all of us make them, so here's a list of some of the most common and dangerous mistakes witnessed on the road:
Pushing Buttons
Car companies and their suppliers jump through lawyers' hoops when developing central information consoles that can include satellite navigation, stereo controls and climate gauges. And with good reason. Tweaking these devices while driving is a leading cause of accidents and near misses, according to Drive for Life, the National Safe Driving Test and Initiative. Most new consoles won't allow you to plug directions into a sat-nav while the car is in gear, but almost all allow you to play with the stereo. Try to do this when stationary, at traffic lights if you must.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving is a factor in about 56 percent of fatal crashes, says the latest study on driving habits from the Surface Transportation Policy Partnership. Though subject to debate, the study has classified aggressive driving as "speeding, tailgating, failing to yield, weaving in and out of traffic, passing on the right, making improper and unsafe lane changes and running stop signs and red lights." The group says that most drivers admit to making the same mistakes they hate to see other drivers commit.
Mobile Devices
As a group, teenagers are more likely than most to take their eyes off the road to concentrate on mobile devices, including cell phones, iPods and instant messaging gadgets. They are also the age group most likely to impress their friends both with the latest in gadgetry and by taking risks behind the wheel. The National Safety Council points out that traffic crashes are the leading cause of fatalities in teens, accounting for 44 percent of deaths.
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Washington, D.C. have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. California is scheduled to ban their use by July 2008. Another side effect of the ever-changing technology? Shorter attention spans, which isn't the ideal trait of conscientious drivers.
Driving While Upset
"Well the morning was complete. There was tears on the steering wheel dripping on the seat," lamented cheeky British pop mites The Arctic Monkeys on their new tune 'Do Me a Favor'. All very well if you, like I did, took an Audi A4 S-line Convertible to see them at this year's Coachella Festival, but what happens if you've had a great, sober festival, but end up in a fight with the wife while driving home (which didn't happen, obviously, as she adored the sporty drop-top)?
Other situations that inevitably distract from good driving habits are fighting over maps and directions or looking for a free parking space. Try to pull over if you feel your concentration is not fully on the road and take a walk to cool off. As a married man who's terrible at reading maps and spotting parking spaces, all I can say is, "But I told you so."
Turn Signals
Here's a harsh lesson learned. When my brother and I rolled up at my sister's wedding in her hubby's Jaguar XKR convertible, we expected a bit of respect and not, well, giggles. My brother was driving and we traveled about 20 miles in convoy alongside many of the other guests. We had enjoyed the admiring looks and stares from others on the way, figuring it was the fire-red convertible and the two good-looking lads up front.
Only during the groom's speech later did we find out that we'd driven his car the whole way with the left turn signal bleeping, to much mirth all round and conversation about stupid drivers and their habits. Turn signal errors in my experience are more common in trucks, SUVs and convertibles, when wind and cabin noise can crowd out the click of the signal, leaving the driver oblivious to their error.
Pushing the Wrong Pedal
In November in California last year, Huntington Beach police officer Brian Knorr was honored for his actions after he rescued an 83-year-old Orange County woman whose car was partially submerged in a water channel. Uninjured, the driver told a local newspaper she thought she had pressed the brake pedal of her 1999 Chrysler Concord only to find her car accelerating off the road into the water. She also said Chrysler had not been too responsive in her efforts to find the root of the problem, which she blamed on mechanical failure.
Tragically, this is an all-too-familiar story. In Santa Monica, Calif., in 2003, an 86-year-old man drove his car through a crowded farmer's market, killing 10. Elderly drivers rank as one of the safest groups, often sustaining unblemished driving records over long periods. But self-awareness combined with oversight by family members is key to upholding driver safety. Many more elderly drivers report trouble checking blind spots and looking over their shoulders due to physical restraints.
Speeding and Tailgating
For Lisa Lewis, executive Director at The Partnership for Safe Driving, it's simple: We drive too fast. "Based on what's going on today, the biggest thing we can tell people [is] to slow down," she tells AOL Autos. "Governments all over the country raised the speed limits from 55 mph and people are still continuing to drive even faster than these very high speed limits. It's not just the 20-year-old hot rodder, it's mothers, grandmothers."
Lewis says people are also driving too close together, where you see "the NASCAR effect" of bunching. All it takes, she says, is one unexpected move and "you get a pile-up." In fast-moving traffic, Lewis recommends a safe distance of one car length for every 10 mph.
Buckle Up
Fatal crashes fell slightly from 43,443 in 2005 to 43,300 in 2006, or just under five every hour nationally. More than half of the fatally injured were unbuckled. "Bad things happen when people don't buckle up, and no one is immune from the damage and devastation that comes from not wearing a seat belt," Department of Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said on the release of the Department's most recent report last month.
Driving While Tired
Beware and make sure that an energy drink crash doesn't lead to a road smash. Take a break. It's that simple
The first red light camera ticketing system was put in use in New York City in 1993. Since then, 24 states and the District of Columbia have installed red light cameras, while another 15 have banned automated ticketing systems that include red light and speed cameras. You generally don't find that kind of love-hate relationship without something murky going on, and murk is exactly what you step into when you ask this one simple question: Do red light cameras reduce accidents?
That simple question has four answers: Yes, No, Maybe, and It Depends. But it takes a lot of research, a lot of reading, and a lot of money to come to any of these conclusions.
After looking at more than ten studies on both sides of the red light camera argument, the general trends stand up quickly. What is behind them are lots of asterisks and disclaimers, however, such that every one of those four answers is qualified.
Yes, Red Light Cameras Reduce Accidents
The idea that red light cameras reduce accidents is generally true if you are referring to broadside (or "T-bone") accidents. This is the worst kind of collision you can have at an intersection, when a car enters crossing traffic and plows into the side of another car. A slightly greater number of studies showed that these broadside incidents were reduced by red light cameras. A November 2008 study carried out by the Center for Transportation Safety of the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University found "a 43 percent annualized decrease in right angle collisions" at 56 intersections with red light cameras. A 2007 study by Iowa State's Center for Transportation Research and Education concluded that the "expected average number of crashes per quarter for [red-light-running]-related crashes (non-rear-end) decreased by 40 percent after installation of cameras at intersections with camera-enforced approaches."
The same results were discovered in studies for the Transportation Research Board in 2003 ("angle crashes are usually reduced"), a 2007 study for the Virginia Transportation Research Council ("a decrease in red light running crashes, about 8 percent or 42 percent depending on the statistical method used"), and a 2004 study by the Urban Transport Institute ("one type of accident found to experience a decrease at [red light camera] sites are those involving a left turning car and a car traveling on a different roadway").
But as we suggested before, even those yeses are called into question by other studies. The Washington Post conducted a review of traffic accident data at 45 red light camera intersections during 1999 and 2000, finding that "Broadside crashes, also known as right-angle or T-bone collisions, rose 30 percent, from 81 to 106 during that time frame."
No, Red Light Cameras Don't
Although there are no easy answers, when it comes to argument against red light cameras, the preponderance of evidence is much clearer. While cameras are often credited for reducing broadside accidents, and sometime reducing accidents between cross traffic and those making a right turn on red, they are almost universally credited for increasing rear-end accidents. You have to rummage through a lot of paperwork to find studies, like the one from Iowa State, that claim reductions in rear-end crashes at monitored intersections.
Even the government's look into the matter found that rear-end crashes go up at intersections with the cameras: A 2005 study by the Federal Highway Administration found an average increase of 15 percent in rear-end crashes after looking at 132 locations in seven areas. In the journal of the Institute of Transport Engineers, the group that studies and develops intersection standards, an article that looked at a vast number of studies trying to determine the effects of red light cameras found in almost every case that rear-end crashes increase.
Maybe They Do, Maybe They Don't
Then there is the issue of injuries. While one type of accident said to be most harmful -- the T-Bone -- might be down, but are the increased number of rear-end collisions contributing to more hurt drivers overall? Perhaps.
According to the data, a slight majority of studies also show that injury crashes go up in red light camera-monitored junctions. The Washington Post investigation found, for D.C. at least, a rise in every type of crash, writing, "The analysis shows that the number of crashes at locations with cameras more than doubled, from 365 collisions in 1998 to 755 last year. Injury and fatal crashes climbed 81 percent, from 144 such wrecks to 262."
Countering that is the study from the Transportation Research Board that concluded, "The findings of several studies support that, in general, red light cameras can bring about a reduction in more severe angle crashes with, at worst, a slight increase in less severe rear-end crashes."
But that conclusion is then countered, sort of, by the Virginia Transportation Research Council study that stated, "However, when considering only injury crashes, if the three fatal angle crashes that occurred during the after period are removed from the analysis (the only fatalities that occurred during the study out of 1,168 injury crashes), then the cameras were associated with a modest reduction in the comprehensive crash cost for injury crashes only."
We don't know why you'd remove three fatal crashes during a study period and then draw conclusions based on that, but in fact, this sort of way of thinking is indicative of a lot of what happens with these studies and the conclusions they reach.
Who's Behind The Data?
This is why, frankly, the best answer to the question, "Do red light cameras reduce or cause accidents?", is that it depends on who you ask.
Short of a public outcry or rioting in the streets, states and municipalities are loathe to walk away from easy money, especially when they need it so badly to pay for the very things their populace is crying out for. Red light cameras present a path-of-least-resistance way to get that money. Vendors sign a contract for the cameras that is often cost-neutral, that is, the cities don't have to pay for the camera operation, they just send a cut from each citation to the contract operator. So it's no skin off the municipality's back. What could be better?
That's why you get lots of politicking and doubletalk even in studies that appear to show conclusive evidence of a particular trend, and then more doublespeak when concerned parties get hold of those studies. On top of that you have the liquid nature of statistics itself and the varying methodologies and accepted scientific practices used to gather them.
The Spillover Effect
One of the murkiest areas of red light camera research is something called "spillover effect," which describes the tendency of drivers to change their behavior around other intersections in the area, whether or not they are equipped with red light cameras. Of course, nobody agrees about whether it even exists.
A researcher at the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), went so far as to publicly criticize the Urban Transport Institute study, saying it "ignores the well-known spillover effect."
Actually, the UTI researchers stated up front that, "There is also evidence, also not conclusive, that there is a 'spillover' effect to other signalized intersections within a jurisdiction."
The Federal Highway Administration would only say that, "There were weak indications of a spillover effect that point to a need for a more definitive, perhaps prospective, study of this issue."
But calling into question how the spillover effect is used, one journalist wrote, "Spillover effect is IIHS's trick for giving the cameras credit for reducing fatalities even where they aren't. It assumes that red-light cameras at a few intersections will cause drivers to stop promptly all over town, or all over the county, or maybe all over the state, so improvements outside the cameras' zip codes are credited to them nonetheless. As statistical acrobatics go, this one is breathtaking."
Drawing Conclusions
Do you see where we're going with all this? Mad Hatters and invisible, grinning cats could make more sense than the average motorist of what's really happening. And we're still not finished.
On top of all of that confusion, even though there are red light programs in more than 400 U.S. cities, many studies were conducted within timeframes that simply didn't allow enough time and couldn't gather enough evidence to present black-and-white comparisons of crash data before and after cameras were installed at a single intersection. In other words, some studies lacked a control group.
That is why just about every study we looked at contained a disclaimer that warned, as in the Transportation Research Board study, "Based on the information acquired and reviewed for this effort, it appears that red light running automated enforcement can be an effective safety countermeasure. However, there is currently insufficient empirical evidence based on statistically rigorous experimental design to state this conclusively."
Studies even admit that because the conclusions drawn are all over the graph, nothing definitive can be concluded. From the Virginia study: "These results cannot be used to justify the widespread installation of cameras because they are not universally effective. These results also cannot be used to justify the abolition of cameras, as they have had a positive impact at some intersections and in some jurisdictions. The report recommends, therefore, that the decision to install a red light camera be made on an intersection-by-intersection basis. In addition, it is recommended that a carefully controlled experiment be conducted to examine further the impact of red light programs on safety and to determine how an increase in rear-end crashes can be avoided at specific intersections."
It cannot be expected that cities will step away from red light camera programs, as long as they're making money. But it doesn't help their cases that the only other genuine supporters of red light cameras appear to be the companies that install them, and insurance agencies. Groups like the National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running are funded by Redflex and ATS, two of the biggest RLC operators. The Redflex site has testimonials supporting red light cameras, all of them from city or law enforcement officials.
USA Today published a poll showing that more people strongly support red light cameras, but the poll was conducted by the IIHS, which is funded by the insurance industry.
A key item noted by those who are against red light cameras, though, is the matter of yellow lights. Studies by the ITE have shown that if you slightly increase and standardize the run-time of the yellow light, and leave a slight delay in the cross traffic's transition to green, accidents will be reduced. Still, cities are routinely hauled into court for having made yellow light times ridiculously short -- as if, you know, they're trying to catch people running red lights.
For a final, cynical look at whether red light cameras are truly run for safety or money, take High Point, NC. When the city was court-ordered to pay 90 percent of its citation revenue from red light cameras to the local school system, what did it do? It shut the system down and found a way to break its contract with the operator.
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